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Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme 2022/23

Event Label
Organisational Units

The Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme – under the umbrella of the Society for Artistic Research in Germany – awards thirteen grants to artists conducting research in the fields of fine art, film/video, literature, music, dance and theatre, as well as interdisciplinary projects.

Each grant consists of an annual sum of 30,000 euros and will be paid out from January 2022 to December 2023 in monthly instalments (on condition that funds are approved by Berlin’s Senate). At least one grant will be reserved for basic research; this grant can also be awarded to individuals who are not trained artists but who conduct artistic research from the perspective, for example, of cultural studies or curating. Over the course of the two years, each recipient can claim an additional production budget. Funds are also available for joint activities such as workshops, lectures, exhibitions, performances or publications.

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