Under the umbrella term Exhibit, the exhibition area of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is concerned with enabling teachers, students and alumnae_i to engage in diverse practices of exhibiting, as well as to reflect on exhibitions as a medium. With the program of its three exhibition spaces, the exhibition area of the Academy strives to operate at the interface of academic teaching and exhibition practice. At the same time, it presents the Academy’s contemporary production of knowledge and art to the general public.
Exhibit Gallery
Exhibit Gallery at Schillerplatz hosts graduation presentations as well as projects engaging with contemporary themes of discourse at the Academy and current trends in contemporary art. Efforts are made to ensure that projects develop out of the teaching processes of the institutes and departments and/or involve deliberate collaboration across historical periods to link the collections with contemporary academic art production. The exhibition committee selects one exhibition per semester through a call.
Exhibit Eschenbachgasse
Exhibit Eschenbachgasse offers teachers and researchers at the Academy the opportunity to use the exhibition space for their projects for a maximum of three weeks. The space thus sees itself as a field of experimentation for an expanded teaching and research practice and brings exhibition making into view as a special artistic field of action. Exhibit Eschenbachgasse is also used for collaborative projects.
Exhibit Studio
Exhibit Studio at Schillerplatz is the exhibition space allocated to students of the Academy. Students can exchange ideas across different departments, test out various exhibition formats and gather practical experience by curating and organizing exhibitions.
Exhibition Committee
Ingeborg Erhart
Sabine Folie
Doris Guth
Sarah Held
Michael Höpfner
Christina Jauernik (on maternity leave)
Mark Napadenski (ÖH)
Franziska Wildförster (external)