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Screening with works by Luise Müller, Samira Fux and Gabriel Monthaler, and Anna Barbieri

Organisational Units
Fine Arts
Location Venue (1)
Studio Building
Location Address (1)
Lehárgasse 8
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1060 Vienna
Location Room (1)
2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space


Studio for Art and Film
Screening and Q+A in presence of the artists and filmmakers Thursday 19.1.2023 18 h, Friday 20.1.2023 15 h, Saturday 21.1.2023 18 h

Programme duration app. 2 hours
Additionally, the screening loops during the opening hours of the Atelierhaus. The loop starts at the beginning of the opening hours (Thu. 19.01.2023 from 4 p.m.; Fri+Sat+Sun 20.- 22.01.2023 from 11 a.m.).


The Caryatides, Anna Barbieri, 15 min, AT, 2023

Ukrainian with English subtitles
The Caryatides is an essay film reflecting the renaming of the “Zubra-Centre” in Sykhiv, Lviv. Since its opening in 1994, the shopping and communal centre has been referred to as “Santa Barbara” due to its architectural resemblance to the intro theme of the eponymous 1980s American soap opera. “Santa Barbara” unfolds itself as a building, as architecture, as collective urban space, in participatory processes but especially as agency residing in affection, dreams and praxis. 

When life begins, Gabriel Monthaler & Samira Fux, 28 min, AT, 2021

German with English subtitles
Hermi maintains her generous garden well, for the neighbours talk. A stranger’s eye rarely makes it inside the house, and more rarely an open ear. Over cigarettes and wine, she chats about the past, not much about the future, the most about recent events – for their wounds are the deepest. About age, retirement, new men, and dogs, short: about changes, Hermi doesn’t want to know anything. And still it seems as if a turning point in her life has been reached.

Premiere at the „Sehsüchte“ Festival in Potsdam in April 2022, Screening at the „Duisburger Dokumentarfilmwoche“ in November 2022.

North of Libya, Luise Müller, 61 min, AT/DE, 2023

German with English subtitles

North of Libya depicts two parallel worlds. Antje and Dariush, a middle aged couple from Hamburg, Germany, worked on sea rescue missions. Dariush faces charges and a potential 20 year jail sentence in Italy. Meanwhile the situation of refugees on the border of Europe remains tense.

With the collaboration of Maria Lisa Pichler, Catrin Freundlinger, Lukas Schoeffel, Daniel Fill, Benedikt Werth, Eli Frauscher, Horst Schnattler, Juliana Melzer, Isolda Mac Liam and Almuth Anders