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Online Admission to Study in Winter semester 2024 now open

Online pre-registration is required for the admission to study at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from
September 2 – October 31, 2024.
The general student registration is also possible from September 2 – October 31, 2024.

Register via the following link:

If you have done this pre-registration including the information with the statistical data please upload the following documents:

  1. Valid passport or proof of citizenship with official photo identification

  2. School leaving certificate: only for Bachelor in Architecture and Education in Arts
    > For further studies (Master in Architecture, Doctoral Studies) proof of the corresponding degree required

  3. Current residence registration certificate (Meldebestätigung/"Meldezettel")

  4. Documentation of transfer / “Abgangsbescheinigung” with the transfer from an Austrian university (required only if you have begun an identical study program at another Austrian university that you would like to continue at the Academy)

  5. Co-registration: “Studienblatt” and student identification card for the semester in which you want to co-register

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at