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“Ma’m, what kind of porn do you watch?” - Dealing with students’ sexual comments

Event Label
Panel Talk
Organisational Units
Education in the Arts
Location Address (1)
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1070 Vienna
Location Room (1)

Teachers often find personal questions and sexual comments from students a challenge. In this panel, organized by the Institute for Education in the Arts, professional interpretations and options how to (re)act in the school context will be discussed.

Teachers often find personal questions and sexual comments from students a challenge. In this panel professional interpretations and options how to (re)act in the school context will be discussed.

Margit Angerer and Melanie Hauzinger, authors of Sexualisierte Grenzüberschreitungen von Schüler:innen gegenüber Lehr:innen (2024)

in conversation with
Sarah Fichtinger, artist and student teacher
Barbara Holy-Kiermayr, teacher, supervisor and mentor
Kelly Kosel, sex educator, board member of the Platform for Sex Education 

Moderation: Marion Thuswald, educational researcher

The panel will be held in German.