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Introduction to the Use of the Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Event Label
Introduction held in English
Organisational Units
University Library
Location Address (1)
Schillerplatz 3
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1010 Vienna
Location Room (1)
University Library (Reading room, M7)

An introduction to the use of the A...cademy Library's holdings with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann as part of the WissensWert series.

Topics: Basics of library use; introduction to the use of the online catalog; use of other national as well as international library catalogs; use of the open access collections (media library, periodicals, handbooks, reference works, graphic novels/comics); tour of the library premises.

Monolingual format (English); with Patrizia Wiesner-Ledermann.
No registration required.


In the course of its Teaching Library Program WissensWert [worth knowing], the University Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers introductory courses, seminars and events in order to impart information literacy.

The program comprises introductory courses for new students on how to use the library as well as expert trainings in e-media research. These courses focus on accessing, evaluating, and processing information, and on how to handle such information responsibly. Why can we use many databases free of charge; (how) is information evaluated; what does peer-reviewed mean, and what is an impact factor (IF); why is Google so popular and what dangers lurk there? The programs are tailored to the respective target audiences, and scripts are provided to enable participants to deepen their knowledge through self-study. The aim is to equip course participants with the abilities and skills they require to cope with the demands of our information society.

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