- Name
- Mag. Dr. Murat Ates
- mu.ates@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Anette Baldauf
- Additional Information
- Epistemology and Methodology of Contemporary Arts
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8116
- a.baldauf@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Univ.-Prof. PhD. Noit Banai
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8300
- n.banai@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- M.A. Cecilia Bien
- c.bien@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Rehema Seithy Chachage
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 1132
- r.chachage@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Mag. Erika Doucette
- e.doucette@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Mag. MSc. Andreas Ferus
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 2314
- a.ferus@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- MA. Tyan Fritschy
- t.fritschy@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Mag. Dr. Andreas Gamerith
- a.gamerith@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Doris Guth
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8120
- d.guth@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Mag. Dr. Moira Hille
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8901
- m.hille@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Mag. BA. Pille-Riin Jaik
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 1141
- p.jaik@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Janine Jembere
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8113
- j.jembere@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Employee not (anymore) listed in directory!
- Name
- PD Dr.phil. habil. Jens Kastner
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8130
- j.kastner@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Dr. Jakob Krameritsch
- Additional Information
- on sabbatical summer term 2020
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8105
- j.krameritsch@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Univ.-Prof. Mag. Christian Kravagna
- Additional Information
- Postcolonial Studies
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8500
- c.kravagna@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Dr. Anna Leon
- a.leon@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- M.A. Isabelle Lindermann
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8200
- i.lindermann@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- PhD. Lisa Moravec
- l.moravec@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Dr. Gin Müller
- g.mueller@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Employee not (anymore) listed in directory!
- Name
- Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Priedl
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8114
- e.priedl@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Dr.phil. Ruby Jana Sircar
- r.sircar@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Ruth Sonderegger
- Additional Information
- Philosophy and aesthetic theory
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8413
- r.sonderegger@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Mag. Dr. Andreas Spiegl
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8140
- a.spiegl@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Ao.Univ.-Prof. Doz. Mag. Dr. Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
- Additional Information
- Art History
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 8110
- f.thun-hohenstein@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Univ.-Prof. PhD. MA. Alena Junette Williams
- Additional Information
- PhD; Theorie und Vermittlung von Gegenwartskunst
- a.williams@akbild.ac.at
- Name
- Employee not (anymore) listed in directory!