Relation(s): Impulses for Mentoring and Monitoring in Teacher Training and Secondary Schools for Music, Arts & Visual Education and Arts & Crafts
The conference “Relation(s)” is a cooperative event of the 3 Viennese art universities highlighting selected aspects of relationship work in mentoring, especially within the artistic-creative school subjects, where the involved agents are currently facing particular challenges.
The program comprises lectures, workshops and discussion groups on various topics. An individual conference program can be compiled according to the participants' own interests and focal points. In “Cooperative Case Consultation“ with the supervisor Barbara Holy-Kiermayr, for example, cases and challenges of one's own school practice can be discussed with colleagues.
Target audience: Students and newcomers in the teaching profession, teachers with or without mentoring practice (not only in the arts), school principals, university lecturers in art didactics and/or mentoring, and anyone interested.
Free participation, more information and registration: CLICK HERE
For teachers, the conference is recognised by the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) as an in-service training event.
Margit Angerer, Melanie Hauzinger
(Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium 12, Vienna)
Sexualisierte Grenzüberschreitungen von Schüler*innen gegenüber Lehrer*innen
Barbara Holy-Kiermayr
(Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)
Kollegiale Fallberatung
Elisabeth Labschütz
(University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
Feldenkrais-Workshop für Lehrer*innen aus allen künstlerischen und gestalterischen Fächern
lsolde Malmberg
(University Potsdam)
Kunst in der Schule - Kunst in der Hochschule: Fachlichkeits- Konstruktionen in Schule und Hochschule und mögliche Aufgaben beim Mentoring
Ruth Mateus-Berr
(University for Applied Art Vienna)
METADIS: Künstlerische Vignette als Resilienzstrategie
Christine Stöger, Anne Niessen
(Cologne University of Music and Dance)
Ein Elefant im Raum oder „Und wenn ich gar nicht in die Schule will?"
Marion Thuswald
(Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
Sexualpädagogische Herausforderungen und professionelle Handlungsspielräume in der Schule