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Short film competition | 70 Years Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Open, single-stage project competition held by the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria in cooperation with ORF Steiermark for an artistic short film.

The film entries are intended to refer to the nature, purpose, history and current relevance of the Declaration of Human Rights and to convince the TV audience. Although aware of widespread ignorance of the Declaration, the aim of the competition is not simply to recite familiar articles, but instead to draw attention to the subject and examine general phenomena of failing to observe and disregarding human rights despite the great human capacity for empathy.

The competition is intended for artists and students or graduates of an art, graphic design or film course aged 18 or older.

An expert panel will select a total of 1–3 winning films. Prize-money:   1st prize: € 5000.-, 2nd prize: € 3000.-, 3rd prize: € 2000.-

Find definite requirements in the announcement/terms of condition or at: