non–finito Vollkontakt. Die schönsten Probleme der Welt
The studio for Art and Image | Abstraction cordially invites you to the exhibition, a group whole of abstract problem formalizations, concrete material confrontations and unfinished group requests.
If art production in general and the painterly process in particular is a full contact - with the material, with the work as an endless task, with the demands of art, with one's own inadequacies - then this contact remains in a finished and exhibited work of art only as a hunch. There is the trace of physical exertion, there is the shadow of existential doubt, and somewhere always the resistance of the material. The impossibility of completely translating the full-contact process into its product opens up a gulf that presents itself as a beautiful problem and is joined by another: contact with art in its reception. I, myself a manual illiterate and always avoiding full contact with extra-textual material, can only encounter the painterly hand movements in reception and then as text, in which another contact problem opens up: language. Non-finito chains of contact and confrontation, never solving, always increasing in a problem-oriented way. In the end, everyone says, whether abstract painter or figurative writer, united in the dialectic, get away from me with your solution, it would be the death of my problem.