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MAPUCHE TA IÑCHIÑ. Decolonial Art, memory and territory

Event Label
Organisational Units
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Location Address (1)
Schillerplatz 3
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1010 Vienna
Location Room (1)

Invitation to talk and reflect on Wallmapu, from a critical creative consciousness of the arts, through processes of resistance, revitalization and aesthetic emancipation.

Historically, in Wallmapu ─ Mapuche ancestral territory ─ art has been based on Eurocentric practices that have determined the artistic work of its people; a territory characterized by the occupation, fragmentation and erasure of memory, through repressive and violent practices. In this context, it is important to revitalize the Mapuche kimun (ancestral wisdom) through contemporary artistic processes, allowing the communities to dig into their own memory, to dialogue from their particularities and to find common places for their knowledge and experiences. 

Marcela Huitraiqueo's artistic work challenges the historically established system of representation, from a socio-political context that shows the presence of other people, different from the Chilean. Likewise, her work reflects not only through her creative practice, but also manifests itself through a critical and emancipatory dimension in the search for new exhibition spaces, outside of institutional exhibition venues, contributing to the redefinition of the public sphere.

Marcela Huitraiqueo (1994) Temuco, Wallmapu. Mapuche visual artist from lof (village) Wete Rukan, Gulumapu. Bachelor in Visual Arts from the Catholic University of Temuco, Master in Art and Heritage from the University of Concepción and PhD Candidate in Intercultural Studies at the Catholic University of Temuco. She currently works in the areas of art education, decolonial research, cultural management, illustration and independent creation.

Talk in Spanish with English translation by: Daniela Paredes Grijalva

Daniela Paredes Grijalva loves to communicate ideas in different languages. She is a Member of the Global (De)Centre and a researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences as a DOC-ÖAW Fellow. She is a co-founder of the Latin American Women’s Collective Trenza. Her work and experience as a migrant woman in Austria shapes her efforts to weave collaborations across groups and sectors. Her activism intersects gender, environmental and social justice struggles as well as colonial legacies and anti-racist practices.

Introduced by Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa

Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa is a Caribbean artist, editor, cultural producer, but not only. Lia is a member of the editorial team of Migrazine. Online Magazine by Migrant Women for Everyone, and Coordinator of the Cultural Area of maiz in Linz. She studies in the Contextual Painting class and is a student assistant for Postcolonial Studies (2023-2024).