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Avantgarde & Liberation - Artist Talk with Robert Gabris, Jojo Gronostay, Iman Issa, Janine Jembere and Christian Kravagna

Event Label
Artist Talk
Organisational Units
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Location Address (1)
Schillerplatz 3
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1010 Vienna
Location Room (1)

A talk as part of the exhibition Avant-Garde and Liberation at mumok, curated by Christian Kravagna (IKW).

We will be discussing the artists' works, their positions and ideas in relation to the concepts Avant-Garde and Liberation
A key focus will be the understanding of locality. We will talk about how the artists' work relates to Vienna, the significance of the city in their creative processes, and the dynamics of working here. How do we relate the local and the global, considering the interplay and possible tensions between contexts and experiences here and elsewhere?