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  • Feb 28, 2021


    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art

  • Epidermitecture

    This exhibition is a part of ongoing research project titled Epidermitecture at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna led by professor of architecture Michelle Howard and professor Katja Sterflinger.


    Villa Tugendhat, Černopolní 45, 613 00 Brno

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art , Art and Architecture

  • Epidermitecture

    This exhibition is a part of ongoing research project titled Epidermitecture at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna led by professor of architecture Michelle Howard and professor Katja Sterflinger.


    Villa Tugendhat, Černopolní 45, 613 00 Brno

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art , Art and Architecture

  • Denkmalgespräch am Donnerstag

    Andreas Lehne in conversation with Katja Sterflinger (in German).

    Talk (german)

    Ahnensaal im Bundesdenkmalamt
    Hofburg, Säulenstiege
    1010 Vienna

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art

    Flyer of the Talk "Denkmalgesrpäch am Donnerstag" in sepia and on the right side a picture of the Lecturer in sepia
  • 2nd Heritage Science Austria Meeting 2021

    Podium discussion with international guest speakers and a session covering the projects awarded by the Heritage Science Austria funding program of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).

    Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna and online via zoom

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art

  • Added value of synchrotron radiation X-ray micro-tomography of paint samples

    Lecture by Dr. Ester S. B. Ferreira (Analytical Laboratory at SIK-ISEA, Zürich) organized by the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts.


    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art

  • Mineralogical Approach to the Analysis of Pigments in the Fine Arts

    Lecture by Dr. David Hradil from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rez at the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts.

    Vortragssaal EA1 (Erdgeschoss)

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art

  • Impact of Calcium Hydroxide Based Impregnation on Characteristics of Porous Mortar and Stone

    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Miloš Drdácký (Director, Professor of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Dipl.Ing., DrSc., dr.h.c.) and Dr. Zuzana Slížková (Head of Department of Particulate Materials, Dipl.Ing., Ph.D.) from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Lecture in English).

    Room EA1

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art

  • The Provenance of Chinese Ancient Proto-celadon

    Lecture by Prof. Changsui Wang, Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, organized by the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts.

    Room EA1

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art

  • The Identification of Visible Residue by Archaeometry

    Lecture by Dr. Yimin Yang, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Department of Scientific History and Archaeometry, The College of Humanities, organized by the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts.

    Room EA1

    Natural Sciences and Technology in Art