List of entries
INTO ALTERITY_ void I gap I hole
For the second exhibition at Exhibit Studio in 2024, Juan Rodrigo Torres Plata and Jennifer Posny are proposing a reflection about the spaces we interact in, based on a perspective beyond the physical: if we abandoned the conception of space as a mere container, and rather perceived it as a conglomerate of multi-dependent relations, we might be able to look at it as a dimension of comprehension.
Exhibit Studio
Opening: INTO ALTERITY_ void I gap I hole
For the second exhibition at Exhibit Studio in 2024, Juan Rodrigo Torres Plata and Jennifer Posny are proposing a reflection about the spaces we interact in, based on a perspective beyond the physical: if we abandoned the conception of space as a mere container, and rather perceived it as a conglomerate of multi-dependent relations, we might be able to look at it as a dimension of comprehension.
Exhibit Studio
A...nfangen – Info event for BA teaching studies GK & KB
For all first-year BA students in the art education programs "Design in Context" and "Art and Education".
Study information
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Wissenschaft im Dialog | MS Wissenschaft 2025
On the MS Wissenschaft 2025 tour, the numerous aspects of the future of energy will be analysed and examined from a scientific perspective.
Deadline 27.9.2024
Open Call of the Academy | Scholarship Early Postdoc Applications 2025
The Scholarship for Early Post Doc Applications aims to support early postdocs in the application for their initial postdoctoral research project. This scholarship enables the intensive preparation of a project proposal, which will be submitted with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as the home institution to funding agencies like FWF (ESPRIT funding program) or OeAW (APART GSK funding program) in the end. This call is open to all postdocs.
Deadline 28.1.2025, 11 h