Search List of entries Seeing the void. Forms of visual representationof so-called “Arisierungen” in contemporary art Politicization of dance and movement practices in the post-socialist contexts Post-representations: Art and War, Art and AFECT Building Transnational Relations. Hannes Lintl, Carl Pruscha, Anton Schweighofer: drei Fallstudien über staatenübergreifendes Bauen und die Verflechtungen von Architektur und Politik während des Kalten Krieges Aesthetic (Cosmo)politics: Relational Knowledges and philosophies in the protest practices of dispora Latinx collectives in Austria. Planetarische Politiken PAINTING WORK AS AN EXTENDED ARTISTIC MEDIUM Kartierung als Ausdruck der Unnahbarkeit?Eine Untersuchung digitaler Karten in der Repräsentation von Erinnerungsorten in Europa. ART & LIFE under capitalism: Performance, performativity, and the production of value in aestheticisation of everyday life Psychedelia and Postmemory.Or Use Differences as a Weapon: Narrating Exile and the refusal to cohere in the life an work of Ghédalia Tazartès after 1970