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Gender and diversity-related Studies

Advisory Board

The call for proposals regarding courses in gender/queer/race/class/dis_abilty studies is released at the beginning of each summer semester via the submission system of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Teaching assignments are selected from the applications submitted by an expert advisory committee. The list of results is sent to the heads of the institutes, who then check the creditability in the curriculum together with the respective chairs of the curriculum commissions. The assignment is made by the Vice-Rectorate for Art and Teaching.

There are two different teaching assignments depending on your teaching experience: Individuals with teaching experience at university-level may teach their proposed course during either autumn or summer semester. Individuals without teaching experience at university-level will teach their submitted courses during the spring semester. As a preparation for this, you will co-teach a course together with an experienced faculty member from the Academy during autumn semester.

The quality of the proposal is the primary selection criteria. The advisory board will select proposals that represent a variety of topics for a broad range of institutes and study programs at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Originating from the ‘women-studies teaching assignments’ originally funded separately by the Ministry of Science (since 1996 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), the gender and diversity-related teaching assignments have been anchored in the Academy's Women's Advancement Plan since 2004 and in the Equal Opportunities Plan since 2020.