Academy Scholarships
List of entries
Advancement Scholarship
serves to support scientific or artistic work of students with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
Merit Scholarship
Merit scholarships serve to recognize outstanding academic achievements in the previous academic year (1.10. - 30.9.) Regular students can apply for a merit scholarship from the 3rd semester onwards. Doctoral students are excluded.
Work Scholarship
Annual scholarship (October to September à 650 Euro) provided through the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research to promote students who have completed their diploma project and have demonstrated high achievement.
Project Financing
Serves to promote artistic, scientific and art-based research projects by regularly enrolled students of all fields of study.
Social Stipend
All regular students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna who have paid tuition fees in the preceding semester and didn't receive a refund from another institution are welcome to apply retrospectively for a social stipend in the following semester.
2nd Year Scholarship
Every year, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna awards six scholarships to aspiring young artists in their second year of study.
Particularly promising and motivated, but socially disadvantaged students from third countries*, stateless persons, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and convention refugees receive a total of 7.000 Euros in funding with the 2nd Year Scholarship.
Temporary Financial Aid
The temporary financial aid serves regular students who find themselves in an unforeseeable social situation of need which is not self-inflicted and where state subsidies are not available.
Dissertation Completion Fellowship
See the homepage of the Center for Doctoral Studies
Travel Allowances for PhD-Candidates
See the homepage of the Center for Doctoral Studies
Student Assistance Fund
With the support fund, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna would like to offer financial assistance to socially disadvantaged students from third countries*, stateless persons, persons entitled to subsidiary protection and convention refugees and therefore provides a sum from the proceeds of the annual Academy Auction. The support fund is allocated annually by the Vice-Rectorate for Arts | Teaching.
Irmgard Lettner and Ernst Lemberger scholarship for supporting final degrees
Students of the Institute of Fine Arts (diploma studies Fine Arts, MA Critical Studies, PhD in Practice), who are in their last year of studying (preparing their final degrees) and who are socially disadvantaged will be supported. Applicants have to live and work in Vienna.