Ella Steinbach
Ella Steinbach (* in Munich/DE, currently living in Vienna) sees herself as a theater maker. During her studies of stage design at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as well as in her work in various off-scene and institutional productions at theatres and opera houses, her interest in the performance of unconventional and public spaces as well as the examination of the relationship between body and space in different situational moments emerged. With an interest in exploring the notion of collective work in an expanded scenographic context and developing a different structure within the performing arts, a long-term collaboration with a group of stage and costume designers emerged, who together develop, produce, research and perform independent projects and productions across disciplines. For her diploma thesis Ich bin das eine und das andere bin ich auch (I am one thing and the other I am also), she received the Würdigungspreis of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Culture in 2022, together with Lukas Kötz and Xandi Vogler.