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Eva Maria Stadler | Curator-in-residence 06|07

at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Relatingto El Lissitzky's spatial experiments, the Viennese Presentation Spacesprings from the tradition of modernist exhibition space concepts. Inaddition, references to the spatial interdependence of artwork andviewer, not least informed by the history of the White Cube, outlinethe institutional field. An exhibition space at an academy of art issubject to specific conditions: it is neither part of the art marketand its galleries nor part of the world of public museums andkunsthalle institutions. The Presentation Space of the Academy of FineArts Vienna rather offers a platform for discursive artwork. Theexhibition box serves as a module to be linked with different kind ofdiscourses.

With the Presentation Space (Demonstrationsraum), amobile exhibition architecture is installed in the auditorium of theAcademy of Fine Arts Vienna: this space within a space is a displayunit that was designed by assistants and students of the sculpturedepartments Bonvicini, Pernice and Zobernig* for their own activitiesin the studio spaces in Kurzbauergasse. Paul Arthur Linner has adaptedthe exhibition box for the auditorium on Schillerplatz and developed aflexible framework that can be easily dismantled and installed within ashort time. While the base is a rectangle measuring 5 times 3 meters,wall and ceiling elements in different materials can be put in asrequired. (EMST)

*Ovidiu Anton | Nadja Athanassowa | Helmut Heiss | Julia Hohenwarter |Roland Kollnitz | Anita Leisz | Paul Arthur Linner | Luciano Parodi |Johannes Vogl | Anna Zwingl

Eva Maria Stadler
Born in Graz, Austria, in 1964. She studied art history at the University of Graz, managed the Grazer Kunstverein from 1994 to 2005, and was lecturer at Merz-Akademie and at Staatliche Akademie der bildenden Künste in Stuttgart, Germany, as well as at Pädagogische Akademie Graz-Eggenberg, Austria. From summer term 2006 until summer term 2007 she was curator-in-residence at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria.

Exhibitions (selection): 1996 Florian Pumhösl "On or Off Earth" | 2003 Jonathan Monk "Small Fires Burning (after Ed Ruscha after Bruce Nauman, after)". Martin Beck "an Exhibit" | 2006 "Jonathan Monk, Richard Prince", Galerie Mezzanin, Vienna, Austria | with Thomas Trummer: 1994 "esprit d'amusement" | 1999 "Bildung" | 2004 with Angelika Nollert "Body Display. Körper und Ökonomie", Secession, Vienna, Austria.