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Performance: Habenichts_in – Carrot Root

Event Label
Organisational Units
Location Description
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33

A performance as part of Back to Athens - Sludge pour Sludge. At 10pm Athens time and 9pm Vienna time.

The performance is a mixture of accordion and experimental music and texts read out in English that deal with violence in the context of patriarchy. The texts of the habenichts*in project have accompanied the artist for many years and so they have somehow grown together over time. She recorded the texts while walking through a rainy night. These recordings are played during the performance and accompanied by live noise sounds. In between, she plays melancholic songs on the accordion. Her texts are characterized by the grief triggered by the violation of personal integrity, but also by the anger that helps to overcome a feeling of powerlessness and the offer of sisterhood to overcome a widely shared experience.