Curriculum Development
CuKo Handbook
The handbook illustrates key aspects of designing and developing curricula (e.g. responsibilities, approval process, components of a curriculum, legal framework). A glossary explains key terms. It provides members or prospective members of curriculum committees with information and assistance to quickly gain an overview of the topic. Selected legal passages on the topic are compiled in a supplementary document.
- Gestaltung und Weiterentwicklung von Studienplänen – Handbuch (German only)
- Gestaltung und Weiterentwicklung von Studienplänen – Rechtliche Grundlagen (German only)
Support for the Design and Further Development of Curricula
The Quality Development Department offers analyses, surveys and evaluations to support the design and further development of curricula. The project design is developed together with the Curriculum Commission, which allows the questions to be concretized as required.
- Expert Surveys
Feedback and input on the curriculum from external experts - i.e. the view from the outside - is the central focus. Experts from study-relevant professional fields and artistic disciplines provide their curricularspecific knowledge. The aim is to make their practical knowledge accessible. Focus-group discussions and/or guided interviews with experts are offered.
- Graduation survey
The feedback and reflection of graduates against the background of their own professional experiences provide helpful first-hand insights and suggestions, e.g.on the course of studies or on central comeptences and skills. Diverse information and plural knowledge from insiders is obtained. Focus-group discussions and/or guided interviews with graduates are offered.
- International comparative analyses
These analyses provide an overview of comparable degree programs in the international university landscape. The comparison of your own curriculum with degree programs at other universities provides suggestions for integration (e.g. for cooperation) or differentiation in an international context as well as for profile development in general.
Completed Projects
- Curricula-Entwicklung Bühnengestaltung / Szenografie. Feedback und Input aus den Expert_innen-Interviews. Ergebnisbericht (2022) (German only)
- Absolvent_innen-Diskussion im Rahmen der Curricula-Entwicklung am Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt. Ergebnisdokumentation (2014) (German only)