
Johan Frederik Hartle is Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Previously he was interim Rector of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design at which he held a professorship for Art and Media Theory. After obtaining his doctorate, he was granted research fellowships for Jerusalem and Rome before he became Assistant Professor for Art Philosophy and Cultural Philosophy at Amsterdam University. Hartle was Adjunct Professor of Aesthetics at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou and is an Associated Member of the Institute for the Humanities of Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. His publications explore positions in contemporary art, institutional art theories, political aesthetics, and the legacy of Red Vienna. The Rector’s responsibilities comprise research, academia, personnel, finances and international issues.
Tasks and functions:
1. Legally mandated tasks and functions
- Chair and spokesperson of the Rector’s Office
- Proposal of candidates for the Vice-Rectors’ positions
- Head of the University Office
- Negotiation and conclusion of performance and organizational agreements (Gestaltungsvereinbarungen) with the respective federal minister (the Rector being liable to inform the University Council of the results without undue delay)
- Chief of the entire university staff
- Final decision in the selection of professors shortlisted by the appointment committees
- Conduct of appointment negotiations
- Conclusion of employment and service contracts
- Authorization of university staff to make legal transactions on behalf of the university under Section 28 (1) of the Universities Act 2002
2. Independent tasks of the Rector’s Office
- Strategic development planning of measures intended to enhance the university’s national and international reputation
- Honing the Academy’s profile as a mediator between art and the public sphere
- Organization of habilitations, awarding teaching qualifications (Venia Docendi) to selected staff in consultation with the Vice-Rectors
- International partnerships and networking, bilateral and multilateral cooperation in coordination with the two Vice-Rectors
- All matters of human resources insofar as these are not assigned by law or ordinance to another university body.
- Human resource development, particularly drawing up the plan for the advancement of women based on the proposal made by the Working Group on Equal Treatment
- Drawing up and implementing further education for all university staff
3. Finances
- Management of the Academy’s budget (§§ 15‒18 of the Universities Act 2002) and controlling
- Drawing up the annual budget, the several-year budget plan, and the balance of accounts for submission to the Rectorate and approval by the University Council
- Reimbursement of expenses (§ 27 Universities Act)
4. Budgeting and administration of the funds allotted to scientific and artistic research as well as to developing the accessibility of the fine arts
- Administering and controlling third-party funds
5. Scientific and artistic research:
- Coordinating scientific and artistic research, and developing the accessibility of the fine arts in the context of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
- Involvement in national and international projects of scientific and artistic research, and projects to develop the accessibility of the fine arts
- Projects financed using third-party funds according to § 26 and § 27 Universities Act
- Support and further education of scientific and artistic staff (§ 100 Universities Act) as well as of the research scholars (§ 95 Universities Act)
- Support of postgraduate studies for doctoral students
- Implementation of the plan for the advancement of women involved in scientific and artistic research
- Events (academic symposia, conferences, seminars, talks)
- Implementation of evaluation measures for scientific and artistic research, and developing the accessibility of the fine arts
6. Publications, Archives, Library
- Responsible support and supervision of the Academy’s publication activities
- Supervisory authority over the Library and the Archives
7. Evaluation and quality assurance of adopted measures:
- Drafting and submitting evaluation guidelines to the Senate
- Carrying out evaluation measures based on these guidelines
- Implementation of evaluation measures in adopted fields
8. Decision-making and signature powers
- Sole signing authority up to 30,000 euros in daily business operations
- budget sovereignty within the lines of the budget
- Assignments over 30,000 euros signed by the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Art and Teaching according to the four eyes principle