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Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. M.A. Sabeth Buchmann

Art Theory and Cultural Studies
+ 43 (1) 58816 - 8100
Business card AkademieOnline

Sabeth Buchmann (Berlin/ Vienna); since 2004 Professor of the History of Modern and Postmodern Art at the Academy of Fine Arts, Institute for Art and Cultural Studies, Vienna; guest lecturer ar the Maumaus, Lisbon; co-editor of PoLyPen - a series on art criticism and political theory (b_books, Berlin), board member of the art magazine Texte zur Kunst and of the European Kunsthalle. Recent publications: author of Kunst als Infrastruktur (2023), co-editor of Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetic, and Critique (2022), co-editor von Die Stimme als Voice & Vote. Festschrift für Diedrich Diederichsen (2018); co-editor of Putting Rehearsals to the Test. Practices of Rehearsal in Fine Arts, Film. Theater, Theory, and Politics (2016) Previous publications and activities: co-editor of art works. Ästhetik des Postfordismus (2015), co-oditor of Textile Theorien der Moderne. Alois Riegl in der Kunstkritik (2015); co-author of Hélio Oiticica & Neville D’Almeida: Experiments in Cosmococa (2013), co-ed. of Film, Avantgarde und Biopolitik (2009); author of Denken gegen das Denken – Produktion, Technologie, Subjektivität bei Sol LeWitt, Yvonne Rainer und Hélio Oiticica (2007); co-editor of Art After Conceptual Art (2006); founding member of the artist group Minimal Club (1984-1999) and of the art and theory magazine A.N.Y.P (1989-1999).

Modern and contemporary art from a social and economic critical perspective with a focus on notions of work and production, film and media history, discourses of biopolitics and infrastructure; many years of research on experimental procedures and practices of rehearsal in the visual and performative arts.

No further acceptance of PhD projects


Buchmann, Sabeth (2023): Kunst als Infrastruktur, Karlsruhe, Cologne

Buchmann, Sabeth; Hinderer Cruz, Max Jorge (2013): Hélio Oiticica & Neville D’Almeida: Experiments in Cosmococa, Cambridge, Mass., London

Buchmann, Sabeth (2007): Denken gegen das Denken – Produktion, Technologie, Subjektivität bei Sol LeWitt, Yvonne Rainer und Hélio Oiticica, Berlin 


Beck, Martin; v. Bismarck, Beatrice; Buchmann, Sabeth; Lafer, Ilse (eds.) (2022): Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetic, and Critique, Leipzig

Buchmann, Sabeth; Kastner, Jens; Sonderegger, Ruth; Spiegl, Andreas (eds.) (2019): Die Stimme als Voice und Vote. Festschrift für Diedrich Diederichsen, Berlin

Buchmann, Sabeth; Lafer, Ilse; Ruhm, Constanze (eds.) (2016): Putting Rehearsals to the Test. Practices of Rehearsal in Fine Arts, Film, Theater, Theory, and Politics, Berlin, Vienna

With DFG-Netzwerk Kunst & Arbeit (2016): art works. Ästhetik des Postfordismus, Berlin

Buchmann, Sabeth; Frank, Rike (eds.) (2015): Textile Theorien der Moderne. Alois Riegl in der Kunstkritik, Berlin

Buchmann, Sabeth; Draxler, Helmut; Geene, Stephan (eds.) (2009): Film, Avantgarde und Biopolitik, Vienna

Alberro, Alexander; Buchmann, Sabeth (eds.) (2006), Art After Conceptual Art, Cambridge, Mass., Cologne

Buchmann, Sabeth; Lehnhardt, Matthias; Lingner, Michael; Smolik, Noemi (eds.) (2005): Kunst + Wissenschaft – Series of events at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts, Hamburg

Buchmann, Sabeth; Mayer, Alexander; Meunier, Karolin; Moos, Stefan; Pick, Erich; Rapedius, Martina; Rindfleisch, Thomas; Thomann, Mirjam; Tünschel, Sabin (eds.) (2005): Wenn sonst nichts klappt: Wiederholung wiederholen in Kunst, Popkultur, Film, Musik, Alltag, Theorie und Praxis, Hamburg, Berlin

Becker, Jochen; Buchmann, Sabeth; Geene, Stephan; Lorenz, Renate; Schultz, Susanne (eds.) (1996): Geld*Beat*Synthetik. Abwerten bio/ technologischer Annahmen, Berlin


Buchmann, Sabeth (2023). „Voices-in-the-making“ in: Spieker, Sven; Asef, Mario (eds.): Akusmatik als Labor. Kultur – Kunst – Medien, Würzburg, pp.191-210.

Banait, Noit; Buchmann, Sabeth, (2020). „Kunst mit/in Geschichte. Techniken des Affekts, Strategien der Medialität und Prozesse multidirektionaler Erinnerung in der Gegenwartskunst/ Cinema with/in History. Techniques of Affect, Strategies of Mediality, and Processes of Multidirectionality“  in: Texte zur Kunst # 119, 30. year., pp.121-140.

Buchmann, Sabeth (2019). „Language is a Change in Material. On Lawrence Weiner’s Ellipses in: Berger, Christian (eds.): Conceptualism and Materiality. Matters of Art and Politics, Leiden, Boston, pp.159-177.

Buchmann, Sabeth (2019). „FeedBack! Performance in the Evaluation Society in: Platform, Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts: On Criticism, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 52-63. 

PhD Supervision