Doz. Mag. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Axel Stockburger
- Course number
- 050224
Seminar für Diplomand_innen und Dissertant_innen
Seminar, Sommersemester 2025
- Lecturers
- Doz. Mag. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Axel Stockburger (Lecturer )
- Course number
- 050183
Workshop B4
Workshop, Sommersemester 2025
- Lecturers
- Doz. Mag. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Axel Stockburger (Lecturer )
- Course number
- 050188
Privatissimum für Dissertant_innen
Privatissimum, Sommersemester 2025
- Lecturers
- Doz. Mag. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Axel Stockburger (Lecturer )
- Course number
- 050161
Kommunikationstechnologien und Displays
Seminar, Sommersemester 2025
- Lecturers
- Doz. Mag. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Axel Stockburger (Lecturer )
Axel Stockburger (he/him) Doz. Mag. Dr. Assoc. Prof. (*1974) is an Artist who works as Associate Professor for Art and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. He studied Visual Media Arts with Peter Weibel at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna and Art History as well as Philosophy at the University of Vienna. In his PhD from the University of the Arts, London, he researched the spatiality of digital games in the context of contemporary art. Stockburger employs global popular culture, such as computer games, cosplay or blockbuster films as a starting point for the production of his videos and text works. His art and writing engage with novel forms of participatory and fan culture that have emerged with the transition from traditional mass media like TV and Film towards the Internet. In his videos he focuses on a wide range of in the wider context of the paradigm shift from analogue towards digital cultures. His videos and installations have been exhibited internationally. He is a member of the research group Technopolitics and, since 2020, a member of the board of the artist association Secession, Vienna. / /
Stockburger A. (Ed.) (2014) Blockbuster, Revolver Publishing, Berlin.
Stockburger, A. (2022) “In Conversation with Muntean Rosenblum”, exhibition catalogue Muntean / Rosenblum, Albertina, Vienna.
Stockburger, A. (2022) “Always On”, in: Abbott, R.; Balakrishnan, K. (Eds.) The Blue, The Pink, The Immaterial, The Void, ACF London, London.
Stockburger, A. (2022) “The Lure of Q”, in: Kohlhuber, I.; Leistert, O. (Eds.) Hamburg Maschine_revisited: Artistic and Critical Investigations into our Digital Condition, adocs, Hamburg.
Stockburger, A.; Hofer, K.P., (2017) “Questions & Answers: New Materialism, Old Media”, in: FKW Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und Visuelle Kultur, #61, 02, 2017
Stockburger A. (2014) “Cosplay: Embodied Knowledge” in: Dertnig, Carola; Diederichsen, Diedrich; Holert, Tom et al. (Eds.) Troubling Research – Performing Knowledge in the Arts, Sternberg Press, Berlin.
Stockburger A. (2013) “Mysteres dans le Brouillard” in: Müller, Josh (Ed.) 1-5, self published, Vienna.
Stockburger A. (2011) "Three Elements" in: Gansterer N. (Ed.) Drawing a Hypothesis, Springer Verlag, Vienna, New York.
Stockburger A. (2011) “Priceless” in: Grausam, A., Horvath, B. Lahner E. (Eds.) Hard to Sell Good to Have, Verlag Für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg
Stockburger A. (2011) “Warplay: a few notes about the relationship between games and war”, in: Gibblin, T. (Ed.) Forms of Imagining #1, Project Art Centre, Dublin
Stockburger, A. (2011) “Warp Zones – Encountering Spatial Practices in Contemporary Game-Related Art”, in: de Jesus, E. (Ed.) Art and New Spatialities: Contemporary relations, F10, Rio de Janeiro.
Stockburger A. (2010) "Klang-Bild-Relationen in Games" in: Daniels, D. Naumann S. (Eds.) See This Sound - Audiovisuology1, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König, Köln.
Stockburger A. (2010) "Im Auge des Orkans: Künstlerische Perspektiven auf ökonomische Informationsräume”, in: Kunstforum Band 201, Wirtschaft und Kunst II, 03.2010
Stockburger A. (2010) "The Play of the of the Voice: The role of the voice in contemporary video and computer games" in: Neumark, N, Gibson, R., Van Leeuwen, T. (Eds.) The Grain of the Voice in Digital Media and Media Art, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
Stockburger A. (2009) "Utopia Inside: Tracing aspects of the utopian in contemporary sonic culture in: Diederichsen, Diedrich; Ruhm, Constanze (Eds.) Non-Simultaneity and Immediacy: Utopia of Sound, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna.
His research is engaging with Aesthetics and Contemporary Art in the Context of Digital Cultures. IAt present he focuses his research on so-called Artificial Intelligence and its impact on Contemporary Art and Society.
Axel Stockburger supervises PhD projects in English and German language.
Completed dissertations:
Garnicnig, Bernhard: Practices of Relation: A Critical Vocabulary for the Analysis of Practices
Current PhD Supervision:
(There are also a range of students in preparatory state at present.)
Ileri, Eren: Cyborg Astronaut: Disembodied White Masculinity and the Imagination of Outer Space in Contemporary Video Games
Shehadeh, Firas: The View From No-Man’s Land: Digitality, Memes and the Human Condition
Micoloi, Caroline: (Big) Data Visualization: Transforming Perspectives through Digital Activism
Tiefenthaler, Martin: Die Großschreibung im lateinischen Schriftsystem — ihre semantische Aufladung und pragmatische Funktion
Nam, Hyeji: Synthetic Harmonies: Investigation into the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Performance, Sound Art and Experimental Music
Li, Chao: Die Rekonstruktion des Proto Bildes: Eine philosophische Untersuchung zur Symbolgenerierung und interkulturellen künstlerischen Ausdrucksweise im Kontext der generativen Künstlichen Intelligenz
Wallner, Viviene: Sexuality as a Storytelling Device: A Comparative Study of 'NANA' and the Fanservice Culture in Anime