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Der Holzapfeladam

Event Label
Reading and concert held in German
Organisational Units
University Library
Location Description
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
University Library
Reading room, M 7

A reading from the novel about the struggle for humanity and dignity in a cruel world with author Bernhard Moshammer accompanied by music as part of the Academy Librar’s Wer A.. sagt event series

“The forest was the beginning and it was easy,
the small town was big and incomprehensible to me for a long time,
but the big city is a hell, pure chaos,
a whole world full of abysses and question marks
that inhaled me unasked and brutally”.

Nine years after the end of Bernhard Moshammer's novel Die Holzapfel Schwestern [The Holzapfel Sisters] (Milena 2022), a second part of the archaic story about the torn family begins: Der Holzapfeladam [The Holzapfel Adam].

Adam lives in Zone B of the big city, together with Rumena, a Bulgarian woman who looks after former prostitutes. He only visits his aunts in the forest in the summer. Chaos reigns in B, the level of prosperity is low, everything is rationed, homeless people, junkies, and refugees dominate the cityscape. In zone A, the rich supposedly live in abundance, zone C is completely uncontrolled.

It's winter. Adam has fallen in love with Veronika, a sales clerk, who doesn't show up for work one morning. Because she had asked him to get her a gun, he imagines that she must have gone to C or been kidnapped, so he decides to look for her there. An adventurous search begins.

Bernhard Moshammer reads from the powerful novel Der Holzapfeladam [The Holzapfel Adam] and sings a few songs to go with it or taken from the novel.

Bernhard Moshammer, born in 1968 in St. Pölten, is a writer and musician. He writes novels, has played bass in bands, since 2012 he has been making music for the theater, in addition he has released several CDs under his civil name or as Börn (current: Börn, Der Partybeender, 2024). He lives and works in Vienna.

Bernhard Moshammer, Der Holzapfeladam
270 pages, hardback, ISBN 978-3-903460-27-0, Vienna: Milena Verlag, 2024