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University professor according to § 98 UG 2002 of the Universities Act 2002 (Universitätsgesetz, UG 2002) for Architectural Design

Extra Label
Closing date for applications
Due Date
Th 19.3.2009

at the Institute for Art and Architecture (IKA). This appointment is for a period of 3 years starting on September 1st, 2009 limited until August 31st, 2012.

The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna intends to appoint the following position:

University professor
according to §98 UG 2002 of the Universities Act 2002 (Universitätsgesetz, UG 2002) for Architectural Design at the
Institute for Art and Architecture (IKA). This appointment is for a period of 3 years starting on September 1st, 2009 limited until August 31st, 2012.

The IKA is organized in 5 platforms whose interrelation constitute the institute’s operative basis, one of them being the platform of HISTORIES THEORIES CRITICISM.

Favoured qualities:
Applicants should have an in-depth expertise in the field of HISTORIES THEORIES CRITICISM. The applicant is expected
to bridge the gap between theory, history, criticism and the practice of designing and planning on the basis of a critical approach of methods and ideologies. The applicant is expected to set up networks with other related teaching and research activities within the Academy and outside and to propose, coordinate and realize relevant longterm research projects including fundraising.

Further we ask for the ability to communicate, find and attract the interest of new audiences and potential student groups and to set up coalitions with parties and institutions outside the academic field.

Requirements for application:

  • The applicant must be an architecture historian or architecture critic with an Austrian or equivalent non-Austrian degree at the level of PhD;
  • proof of artistic, scientific and organisational achievements in architecture and the related fields;
  • must have presented through publications, lectures and/or exhibitions and other projects a clear position on the role of history, theory and criticism in the field of architecture and urban planning;
  • proof of teaching qualifications and experience;
  • The applicant is expected to contribute to the development and the coordination of the curriculum for bachelors and masters in the subject of History Theory and Criticism, in the context of the other platforms, and to propose ideas pertaining to this as part of the application, as well as proof of teaching qualifications and experience in the field;
  • At least one research project in the field is to be proposed as part of the application.
  • proof of both theoretical and practical achievements in architecture and urban planning
  • proof of highly qualified, extramural practice in the relevant field;
  • proven leadership skills and willingness to participate in university committees are a must.

The position covers teaching obligations of at least 20 units a week.

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna intends to increase the number of women in all areas of staff, particularly in managerial, scientific and artistic staff positions. Therefore, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna greatly encourages qualified women to apply. In the event that several applicants are equally qualified, women will be the preferred
candidates. The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is committed to implementing anti-discriminatory measures in its personnel policies. Applicants will not be reimbursed for travelling and accommodation expenses incurred as a result of their participation in the application process.